Monday, June 25, 2012

Opening Comments

Well, here we go. I have decided to document and share my journey to prepare and successfully run a marathon this year. A marathon. As in 26.2 miles. Of running. It takes a long time to run a marathon. Did you know that? Never mind that I have never run even a 5k race. More on that development later.

Sometimes in life you just get to a point where you make decisions that you have no idea where the inspiration came from. And sometimes you second guess those decisions. And guess some more. And doubt that you can. And wonder if you are even sane. Yup - been there, done that. Time to move on and make good on what I started out to do.

No looking back and no second (third) guessing. What is done is done. Now it's time to prep and go for it. I read recently that only 0.08% of the world's population will ever run a marathon. That's a small number, indeed. Makes me wonder if someone did the math correctly on that one. Anyway, it is an extremely small number and I wonder why that is so. I have a feeling that I will learn more about that fact soon enough.

I am training with Runner's World here in Tulsa. They have provided training for runners for many years here in Tulsa, and for the longest time, have done it for free. Just because they like Tulsa and want to give back to the community of runners. They're awesome and Kathy, the owner is amazing and generous. She really likes running and building community. I just met her and I can already tell she has been a major influence in the running scene in the city.

Well, my goal here is to document my training and progress this year leading up to the marathon. I am determined to finish, although running days like today (105 degrees) make it seem like such a lofty and ridiculous goal. It is about the journey, though, isn't it? That's where the fun is. That's where the memories are created and the friendships made. Laughter, sweat, tears, pain, and joy all wrapped up into one human being. God was so good when He created us.

That'll be all for the opening comments. I have been on two training runs thus far. I will try to log about once a week on here and I am also logging my training into for those who want to train or follow along with me. If you are interested, it's not too late, either. Join me and I promise you'll have the adventure of a lifetime - at least on this earth.

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